Saturday, May 31, 2008

Well I got my hair cut...

Well I got my hair cut...and I love it!! Cute bob hair cut...great color (dark blond with light blond chunky highlights). The stylist did a perfect job of giving me exactly the hair I wanted! Yea!! I'll get some pictures uploaded when I can...hopefully tomorrow. I have about a foot long braid to send in to Locks of Love. If you have long hair and have been thinking about cutting it, go to to get the guidelines for acceptable donations and the mailing address. Locks of Love uses donated hair to create hair prosthetics (wigs) for children with cancer. It's a fabulous organization, and these children will receive the wigs for virtually no cost depending on financial status. It's a really great website so you should check it out!

Today was a pretty good day. I went to work for a few hours then my faculty advisor and I met with the chair of the Mechanical Engineering Dept so he could give us his opinion on our paper. The deadline is June 2nd, so we're down to the wire, and I'm really ready to get this done and submitted! I was a little nervous, since I've had the chair for a few classes and I wasn't sure how he would like my portion of the paper. I am so pleased to say that he told me that I really did an excellant job and that he was very pleasantly surprised. Aaahhh...approval. Why is it that no matter how many people tell you they see how hard you're working and what a great job you're doing, there's always someone we still seek approval from. Well anyway, it was really nice to hear it from him. My faculty advisor has been working with me on this research and this paper since January of this year, and I couldn't have made it through without his constant encouragement. Speaking of which, I should be making my last minute changes to the paper right now. We're meeting tomorrow afternoon to put it all together as the Final Paper, or as I like to call it, the Final Paper Last Revision Version No. 4. But we're pretty sure we'll mean it this time. Dear Lord I hope so!

Also a quick note that we got our George W money today! Woohoo! Thanks George!