I love to sit back sometimes and imagine how lovely it would be to open the doors of my very own cafe or coffeehouse. I see myself joining a friend or two at our favorite table in the corner, greeting my regulars, already knowing what they want, talking to fellow scholars about my latest journey, my latest publishing or book signing. Some days I might be wearing layered chiffon skirts and antique jewelry; other days, I might wear a pencil skirt with block heeled strappy shoes and a silk blouse as I take a slice of lemon merringue pie to my mama.
Ah well, since I'm still a full time student holding down a full time job, that hasn't quite happened yet. I have traveled a little though. Two years ago a friend and I flew to London, toured Italy for about two weeks, then attended a month long summer session of intensive french language in Grenoble, France. I would love to travel to Africa. One of my big future goals is to organize a mission trip to Tanzania, Africa, to teach and to build homes and churches, and while I'm there I want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.
I have another goal to become an elected political official. I'll start with the city government and see where it goes from there. I have a lot of ideas, and a great deal of motivation and desire to make a difference in this world.
But first, I suppose I'll have to graduate. I'm a senior now, majoring in mechanical engineering. This past semester, I had an opportunity to research control systems with my advisor, which resulted in a presentation at a regional conference. Right now we're putting finishing touches on an educational paper revolving around my undergraduate research with the hopes of getting my first publication. The paper is due June 2nd, and I'll find out by July 28th....so cross your fingers and I'll let you know.
I've become somewhat of a morning person, and I'm going to try to begin each morning with a thought, a scripture, a goal to reach, a motivation...I need to keep my mind focused and positive, and I'm hoping this will help me stay on track. So...I'll meet you here in the morning for a cup of coffee (with Black Cherry Streusel creamer and whipped creme on top)... Have a great night!