Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

The Black Cherry Café salutes our military men and women and their families and loved ones. Thank you so much for all of the sacrifices you have made for our great country. I will always be grateful and will always remember and honor those who have died for our country today, yesterday, through generations past. God Bless the USA!

I'm having lunch at the Café today. Hmmm, I'm having a mesquite smoked turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo and a delicious concoction of spicy brown mustard and horseradish, a large handful of parmesean potato chips (oh let's just go ahead and finish off the bag...sorry Josh), cinammon applesauce for dessert, and water to drink (but only because there's nothing else to drink in the house and I have too much else to do today to have a martini....well maybe just one martini...yes, actually a raspberry martini will do nicely).

Well, I had a busy morning. I did have my Black Cherry coffee, but I had it to go. The global controls research group I'm in at MSU has been meeting a couple of times a week since school's been out. It's very rewarding to be part of a small group of students who willingly meet early in the morning to learn new theoretical concepts for engineering. We're fortunate to have a professor who encourages us so much. I was supposed to work a little more on the paper I have due this week, but I just didn't have it in my professor's going to meet me in the morning so we can get all of it together.

I got home from school around 9:30am and decided that I would do some of the things I said I was going to do yesterday. So I set out to plant Laura's veggie plants. I started clearing out where I decided would be the perfect spot and turns out, I'm not the only one who thought it was a great spot. I was horrified to discover that about a million ants already lived there! So after payday tomorrow I'm going to buy a blowtorch and take out all of them. I tried to go ahead and work around them, but realized what a stupid idea that was and decided instead to clean out the rock fountain on the opposite corner of the yard. Things were going nicely until the enormous spider emerged and took my hoe away from me. I ran in the house to escape it's clutches, sacrificing the hoe. About 10 minutes later I went back out and the spider was gone. I suddenly realized how much worse it was to know it was there, but not where... So I looked back to the ant side of the yard and saw that Martha the Cat was playing in the pile of leaves and twigs I'd found the million ants under, and that she now had ants crawling all over her. I finally got them off of her but I think she got a few bites. Poor baby...she was not happy at all...

So the score is: The Yard-1......Carrie-Anne and Martha-0

I do not, however, take defeat lightly so tomorrow, I will declare war on the unwelcome inhabitants of my yard.