Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm Ready for a Vacation...

Good morning! I'm moving slow this morning. Kathie and Stephanie are spending their first morning in Costa Rica on a mission trip with 39 other church members, and I can't wait to hear all about it! My friend Laura is on a two week road trip to New York, I have classmates going to Florida, California and the Caribbean...I'm getting ready to go to work, and then to school to work on my paper. But that's okay, because the harder I work now, the more opportunities I'll have later. Josh and I are planning to meet my dad at his cabin in New Mexico in about a month and I'll be super ready to get out of town by then.

I'm watching the Today show right now and apparently the toilet is not working on the International Space Station. What do you suppose the service call would be for a plumber job like that?

My Dad was told last week by his doctor that he is now a severe diabetic. This was really scary news for all of us. Dad's handling it pretty well. We all have a lot of questions, but he's keeping us updated as he learns things as well. It all started with the ankle to groin blood clot they found in my dad's leg. Last night he said he was ready for them to quit telling him things that were wrong with him. He tries to stay pretty fit, doesn't eat too bad, so I guess it goes to show that you just can't prevent everything. Kathie was pretty hesitant to leave for the trip, and has a lot of people lined up to check up on Dad while they're gone.

Nothing much going on right now for me. I have an appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow. I've been wanting to cut it short for about two years now and it's grown fairly long in the meantime. Since I just got paid, I decided to make and appointment and go for it! I'm trying really hard to stay excited about it, but I don't think Josh and I know my mom neither one want me to cut it off. So now I'm starting to second guess my decision. I'm just really needing to make a fun change and do something new and different for myself. I got a little overwhelmed this past semester and I'm still having a hard time getting out from under the clout. But I have 27 hours and 10 min to constantly worry about it so that's nice.

Well, the toast and eggs have been eaten and the coffee is gone so I guess I'd better get ready for work.

Do something fun for yourself today!