Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ahhh...Sunday Morning

It's a beautiful morning...last night we had some thunderstorms rolling through that apparently I missed most of. I spent the morning with my husband Josh, took my dog Frankie outside for a while, then fed my cat and her 4 kittens. When Josh and I bought our lovely pointy yellow house, we were adopted by a stray cat who I named Martha. Martha had kittens about two months ago. Josh is very allergic to cats so they'll have to remain outsiders. And apparently the word is out because I think we also feed about 4 other cats in the neighborhood. We had an older couple move in next door and the woman puts food out on her side porch for the cats. Trouble is, I think sometimes she mixes in table scraps which seem to be a little harsh for the cats. One afternoon I so clearly recall, all the cats got sick and were throwing up in my yard.

Anyway, a friend and fellow classmate of mine, Laura, gave me two tomato plants, two pepper plants, potted mint, and a mystery plant (strawberry?) that she started growing in long planters at her apartment. They're getting big enough that they need to be planted, so she bravely and of her own will gave them to me. So since today I'm going to plant them in the yard, I found this extremely nice and optimistic quote:

"Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest. " ~Douglas William Jerrold, about Australia, A Land of Plenty.

Interesting...My mom also gave me a potted pink Gerber daisy I need to plant. It's really cute.

I've also agreed to run a marathon (26.2 miles, I think) with Laura on December 15th this year. I guess I enjoy pain and nausea. Laura didn't exactly tell me everything my body would go through during the 26 miles of "running" so I looked online to see what I could do to better prepare myself. One of the first suggestions I read was I should avoid getting runner's diarrhea. That's all it said. I would love to NOT get runner's diarrhea. So I do still have some researching and diet planning to do, but I'll get there. It's been a while since I've been in what you might call "great" shape, so Laura made me a running schedule to help me build up to the big day. So, today, I'm also planning to run for a bit.

But now I must get ready for church. I'm the chairman of our Worship committee at my church, and several of us are working to put together a Revival for early fall. It's already had its ups and downs, and I'm learning a lot about the politics of church and religion. I'm a preacher's daughter so I grew up in the church and understand that there is a political side to it all...but it's still sometimes pretty interesting and even a little disheartening at times to encounter. However, it is all making me stronger and wiser...qualities which I'll need throughout my future political career. But regardless of the ups and down, it's is going to be the best foot-stompin', banjo playin', Gospel preachin' revival our church as ever had. There are so many people who want to help out, and want to get involved, and I can not wait for it all to come together. You'll read about it here folks! (Unless you can come!)

Have a great day!