It is now midnight, Thanksgiving night and it's been a great day. Josh has been off the last two days and won't have to go back to work until Sunday night. I'm out of school until Monday, and there are only two weeks of school left in this semester!! So I've enjoyed my break from school, but there's still quite a bit to do.
Wednesday morning, Josh got home from work and we went to eat pancakes at the Cracker Barrel. Have you ever noticed that Cracker Barrel pancakes have a thin, perfectly crunchy outer shell that feels just right in your mouth? How do they do that? They're the best.... At the restaurant, Josh bought two rubber band airplanes that we came home and raced in the street. They actually launched only a few times, and Josh's always did better than mine. The weather was perfect, the breeze was just right, and we had a great time. Then we came in a took a nap on the couch with our new dog (a beautiful black lab) Maggie plopping herself down on top of us and taking a nap herself. I woke up and went in to work for a few hours but it wasn't too bad. Then we went to Market Street and got a few slices each of pizza! Such a nice day!
This morning, we got up and cooked a few dishes and appetizers to take over to Mom and Doug's house for lunch. We ate early (around 12:30pm) so that Doug's daughter and her friends could come. It was great! As of about 30 minutes ago, I was still eating! On top of stuffing myself with turkey and the fixins, I've had three pieces of pie, the rest of the stuffed mushrooms and deviled eggs, and I'm fighting the urge to raid the refrigerator two eat the last two pieces of lemon merrinque pie before Josh wakes up and has a chance to eat them. They're mine! As I was telling a friend of mine, there's nothing like a holiday dinner to bring out suppressed compulsive tendancies and eating disorders. I can't wait until tomorrow so I can "legitimately" eat some more.
I've agreed to run a half marathon with some friends of mine in January. I've been jogging 2-4 miles a few times a week for the past three months, but now I've got to get on it and start pushing myself more. Which is good because it's going to take running a few extra miles a day to work off all this food I've consumed, as well as what I'm going to consume between now and Christmas!
Well Josh has been passed out on the couch for about 4 hours now and there is no sign of him waking up any time soon - I think I'll join him! It's been a great day.