Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just in time for Fall..

Well, once school started I put almost all extracurricular activity on hold, as usual. I've been staying so busy and have experienced my regular supply of ups and downs. Since I last posted in July, I had a birthday, started my senior year at MSU, began tutoring for the Adult Literacy Council, found out my brother's wife is pregnant, had an incredible 3 day tent revival at my church, and found Martha the Cat's five baby kittens (she was hit by a car about a week and a half ago). Tonight me, Josh, Mom and Doug are going to the Mercy Me concert at a church here in town. My friend Patrick won the tickets from the local Christian radio station but he couldn't go. I'm pretty excited about it. Then next month the university is sending me and my two professors I co-authored the educational research paper with to Boston to the ASME International Conference. MSU is paying for us to stay the entire conference so we'll be gone 5 days. I'm really excited about seeing Boston, and it'll be nice to get a little break from school. When I start feeling a little bad about the fact that MSU is sending me on this trip that is allowing me to miss 4 days of school, I just think back to the 8 months I spent when I gave up all my freetime in order to make this paper a success. It's pretty cool. But I'll definately be updating and getting some more pictures on here. I also need to update Dexter here too. It's been quite a surprise watching him grow up. Stay tuned for more!!