Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Unfortunately, I'm working on this our day of independence. Josh and I spent the first part of the week visiting my dad at his cabin outside Cloudcroft, New Mexico, and I wish we were still there! Nice cool weather, no work, sleeping 9 1/2 hours every night....aaaahhhh.....Anyway, I don't get vacation time, so I'm taking advantage of having the place to myself to get some things done today and make up some of the hours I took off.

I've stayed pretty busy - two weeks ago, I gave the sermon at our Sunday night service. I was a little nervous walking up to the podium and getting the microphone hooked onto my blouse, but as soon as I got started, I had a really good time! I guess that comes with speaking about something you're passionate about. It went over really well, and I'm actually looking forward to my next turn! Maybe I'll stick my sermon at the end of this post.

I put an application in to be appointed to one of the City Boards or Commissions. I don't think any of the commissions I signed up to be considered for are in need of placement right now, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and get my name in the works. The next City Council meeting is next week, so we'll see if I get a phone call. (It never hurts to hope!)

Next week, I start summer classes. I'm only taking a physics class and it only lasts for one month so it shouldn't be too bad. I'm also starting the training to become an Adult Literacy tutor. Actually, orientation starts on Tuesday and I believe the training actually begins the following week; which is okay - that will give me next week to get my mind back on "school track." I'm so ready to be done with school!

Break's over....back to work for now, have to finish tonight...