Quick rundown: we found out we had a gas leak at our house.
The original owners of our hose teed off a gas line that ran to a floor heater in the garage. That's where the leak was, and why we didn't smell it. We wondered why we were having $100 gas bills during warm months....Josh smokes, and he'd been in and out of the garage working on his motorcycle. Luckily he always opened the garage up and pulled his motorcycle out before working on it. It's a weird feeling knowing your garage and your husband could have blown up. I could complain about the cost of getting it all fixed but it basically comes down to this:
Total amount unneccesarily paid to the Gas Company: $315
Tools, parts and gas caps: $50
Plumber: $300
City Inspector: $175
Our garage not blowing up: Priceless
I had taken the afternoon off from work to help Josh fix the gas leak, and heard a desparate meowing coming from the other side of the garage. I followed it around and found one of Not-Martha's new kittens crying and clawing at the side of the neighbor's garage. Not-Martha is a neighborhood stray that looks like Martha the Cat but is in fact not Martha. Not-Martha had three kittens that were about 4 weeks old, and they were all very skittish. I'd noticed the day before that there were only two kittens with Not-Martha, and now here was this one. It's eyes were completely crusted over and swollen shut. It looked so bad that I thought maybe it had lost it's eyes altogether. His little tongue was hanging out, and he was completely infested with fleas. It was the most pitiful little thing I'd ever seen! So I wrapped him up in a towel and drove to the vet. $100 later, I had a new indoor cat! He had a respiratory infection, and the fleas were killing him. The vet said "If" he made it, to bring him back in two weeks. This coming Thursday will be two weeks and Dexter is a beautiful, feisty little kitten!
This is Dexter the second day after I found him.
His face looks a little greasy because I'd just put medicine in his eyes. It's been difficult to get a recent picture of him because he rarely sits still. Frankie the Dog is getting used to him. We were a little worried about how they would get along until the day I found Dexter sitting in Frankie's food bowl and Frankie eating around him. Frankie's a good ol' boy! Here's a few more pictures, the most recent at the bottom.